This website is currently dedicated to show results of The Irish Red and White Setter in the UK.
It contains information regarding General Championship Shows and all Club Shows listing known judges in the Diary pages and the principal winners in the results pages. Photos of the winners are also sometimes available.
If we are not
at a show and someone else takes photos we would be happy to include
them on the site to maintain as complete a pictorial record as possible.
All photographers will be acknowledged and all copyrights remain the
property of the photographer.
Currently this site is under development so there will be occasions where future links are visible but not yet working, please bear with us.
Any feedback, comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Please send them to the
Site Launched 12th April 2009
This site is owned & maintained by
Ray & Debbie McDonald, Roanjora Irish Red & White Setters
for the benefit of all Irish Red & White Setter show enthusiasts.